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CFP, travel expenses, and the next meet-up

We’re starting to figure out the details for a September meet-up and are looking for both possible hosts/sponsors and talks.

  1. If you know of a company that would like to host or sponsor the next meet-up, we’d love to get in touch with them.
  2. Want to give a talk or know someone who would? Our CFP is ready for your proposals. We now also cover travel and accommodation expenses for speakers coming abroad or elsewhere in Finland!
  3. Do you have a favourite venue for meet-ups? We’d love to hear what it is…

If you could help spread the word about our search for talks and hosts, we’d really appreciate it, whether it’s in your company Slack, or on Mastodon, or whichever social media everyone is now using…

If you have any ideas or suggestions, you can reach us at [email protected] or on Mastodon.
